Saturday, November 02, 2013

Do Economic Illiterates Litter The U.S. Treasury Department? It Sure Seems So

There’s no better example of the economic illiteracy that destructively afflicts economists and political leaders these days than the U.S. Treasury Department’s report released on Oct. 30 sharply criticizing Germany’s supposedly destructive economic policies.

Every six months the Treasury issues an analysis of whether countries are using their currencies to gain a competitive advantage over U.S. exports.

This report harrumphed that Germany was guilty of relying on exports for most of its growth and that this was hurting its neighbors and, indeed, the whole world.

“Germany’s anemic pace of domestic-demand growth and dependence on exports have hampered rebalancing at a time when many other euro countries have been under severe pressure to curb demand and compress imports to promote adjustment.

The net result has been a deflationary bias for the euro area as well as for the world economy.” Where to begin with such ignorance and nonsense? The Germans rightly called the accusations “incomprehensible.”

Trade. Adam Smith had it right more than two centuries ago with The Wealth of Nations, in which he demolished the superstitions of mercantilism, which posited that trade was a zero-sum activity. Smith pointed out that with trade, both sides get something from the exchange; otherwise, they wouldn’t carry through with the transaction. Trade enhances wealth.

Look at the incredibly intricate global supply chains that make possible such products as the iPad. Folks at the Treasury Department don’t know this basic fact: Countries don’t trade with each other, companies and individuals do. Why should Berlin be ashamed that entities around the world like what German enterprises are offering?

Treasury assumes that a merchandise trade surplus is equivalent to a company making money and that a deficit is equivalent to sustaining a loss. If that was true, how did the U.S. become the mightiest economy in the history of the world while running trade deficits for 350 of the past 400 years?

“Austerity.” Treasury says Germany’s sizable exports are hindering the ability of troubled European countries to recover, making it sound like Berlin is sucking out money like a vampire guzzling blood. There’s that zero-sum mentality again.

Buyers like what German sellers are offering. What’s hurting the other countries is their savage anti-growth policies of excessive taxation, government bloat and job-killing labor regulations. Their so-called austerity has fallen almost entirely on the private sector.

Big cuts in tax rates and meaningful deregulation would quickly revive these limping lands—not to mention Treasury’s home, the U.S.A. All of which brings us to another Treasury bugaboo.

Domestic demand. If the goal is for Germany to have a more lively domestic economy, then tax cuts would the biggest and best stimulator, not more government taxes and spending.

Germany implemented continuous tax-cutting from the late 1940s to the mid-1970s. Its economy quickly recovered from the rubble of war and experienced unprecedented prosperity. Japan followed the same path. We should all be doing the same today.

Currency. Here’s the area where ignorance reigns and where more economic crises are brewing.Money is a standard of measurement, just as a clock and a ruler are. Instead of measuring time or inches, money measures what something is worth.

It’s a claim for products and services. Money makes executing transactions–buying and selling–infinitely easier than barter.

The Treasury Department dogma shared throughout the world, that printing money stimulates sound and sustainable growth, is equivalent to believing that a restaurant’s creating more coat checks stimulates the production of more coats.

Nonetheless, the belief that manipulating monetary policy will spur growth predominates. That’s how we got the housing disaster, the panic of 2008–09 and the current bond bubble. Too bad we don’t have re-education camps for such misguided economists and government officials.

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